Certified practitioner in specialist property finance

Director Andrew Westerdale was one of the first advisors to ever achieve the CPSP qualification.

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Andy Westerdale, Leeds

The Benefits of using a Professional Broker

We offer all our clients a true ‘one stop shop’ facility, our core competence is to provide you a fully managed and professional service to secure the most competitive funding offer available from the entire market.

In addition we can, if required, organise any property valuations, insurances and legal support necessary to complete the transaction. We will fully package and submit the lending proposal to ensure your funding application is processed quickly and efficiently with funds available in the shortest possible time.

Whatever your Commercial Funding requirement we offer you a free, impartial and totally confidential initial consultation and we will quickly assess the funding options available to you. Please contact us today to see how we can help or submit an enquiry and we will contact you.

Client Testimonial

“Dear Andy

I am writing to thank you for your ongoing services to me and my firm.

I have had the pleasure of working with you a few times now, and on each and every occasion you have been an absolute dream to work with.

Sometimes commercial finance can require urgent attention, and on every occastion you have acted quickly and efficiently to help.

You have made the finance process smooth and effortless, and still managed to offer the best rates at the same time.

I have no hesitation in referring you on to my contacts whenever they need commercial finance services.

Thanks again all you help is very much appreciated.


Philippa Smith”

Quick contact: If you would you like to contact us, please submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.

Call us: If you’d prefer to call us, contact us on 01134 696 410 — we would be delighted to speak to you.

Note: Your details are kept strictly confidential as per our Privacy Policy.

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